internet marketing myths

7 Most Commonly Believed Internet Marketing Myths

by Admin

With the upsurge in demand for internet marketing services, there has also been an increase in the misinformation on how internet marketing really works.

Below are the seven most commonly believed internet marketing myths:

1. Internet marketing is costly

—You do not need to spend thousands in order to begin building a profitable business online. There are a number of inexpensive things you can do in order to immediately grow your online presence and to attract customers to your website.

2. You need all the fancy bells and whistles in your website to succeed

—While website design is important, and an overly complicated or flashy website might make the designer pat himself on the back, but these designs rarely lead to increased sales. Of course you want your website to be professional-looking, however it is more important that it is cleanly laid out and easy for people to navigate.

3. Higher your ranking in search engines, higher the sales volume

—While it is important to get the best ranking you can in search engines it is what you do with the traffic that really counts. Your landing pages need to be designed to maximize conversions. Otherwise, visitors will just click the “back” button on their browser as soon as they land on your site.

4. Once my site has got good search engine rankings, I can stop trying

—Wrong! You need to still update your site frequently to maintain the valuable search engine ranking as search engines is constantly changing their algorithms and updating their results to provide their users with the most relevant results possible.

Also check: Infographic for SEO that can rank on Google

5. Internet marketing is not good for business to business services

—In the last year, more than $650 billion was spent on business to business transactions online. This spending continues to increase year after year despite the current economic downturn. If you offer services to businesses, a strong online presence is essential to your success.

6. Quantity of traffic is the most important thing

—This is the thing that internet marketing salesman always hide behind, in order to hoodwink the clueless clients by showing them how they have exponentially increased the traffic to their site, convincing them that they have done their job.

But here is the thing; just about anybody with a small amount of knowledge of internet marketing can increase traffic to a website. That in itself is not what matters. What matters is the quality of the traffic your website attracts. There is little point in tricking a bunch of people into viewing your website, when they have zero interest in buying your products or services. Quality of traffic and conversion rates is far more important than quantity of traffic.

7. Social media is unimportant

—Social media is not just a passing time, but in fact is an important tool to be used to increase your business. When used correctly, social media marketing is an effective way to increase brand awareness, build links to your website, learn more about your target audience, and enhance your credibility with consumers.

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